
Hop Aggregator is built to link together the cheapest paths for any given swapping pair using a novel router implementation that is optimized for performance unseen on SUI to date.

We've written a fast high-performance proprietary backend in Rust that runs very close to our RPC node. This results in the fastest price quotes on Sui, and little to no latency for users - resulting in a superior UX.

This accrues value not only for DEXs who will capture volume on trades that otherwise would not route through them but also for users who will get the fastest, most capital-efficient swaps anywhere on Sui.

Some example use cases:

  • The fastest, cheapest sniping bot on Sui.

  • The optimal first stop for newly bridged tokens to Sui.

  • The optimal API endpoint for arbitrage bots on Sui.

  • The optimal zero-cost integration for wallets/ other dapps.

Last updated