The First Hyperstructure on Sui
A hyperstructure is a blockchain protocol that has various properties:
Unstoppable: the protocol cannot be stopped by anyone. It runs for as long as the underlying blockchain exists.
Permissionless: universally accessible and censorship-resistant. Builders and users cannot be deplatformed.
Credibly neutral: the protocol is user-agnostic.
Valuable: accrues value that is accessible and exitable by the owners.
Expansive: there are built-in incentives for participants in the protocol.
Positive sum: it creates a win-win environment for participants to utilize the same infrastructure.
Sui's core infrastructure allows us to make the protocol unstoppable. It is a permissionless blockchain and its low gas costs make Hop the best solution.
Our trade aggregator protocol is also credibly neutral as no priority is given to any set of users, but we don't think that's what truly sets us apart from the rest.
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